NRM Secretary General's Ramadan Kareem Message

Friday 24th March 2023

As our Muslim brothers and sisters begin their fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, I wish all of you Allah’s mercy, love, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, and prosperity in your homes. At the heart of your faith lie the values of peace, responsibility, and humanity. These are ideals I and the vast majority of NRM party members share with you.


During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Quran to the prophet by Allah through fasting, performing acts of charity, reciting prayers and reading the Quran.


Ramadan is a time of self-reflection, and self-improvement. We therefore hope that this period shall leave all of you strengthened as families, communities, and a nation to further foster our joint efforts in working towards socio-economic transformation.


NRM is an all-inclusive party. Instead of embracing division, finger-pointing, or extortion, we practice peace and unity. As a means of maintaining peace, I want to implore Muslim leaders to take the initiative in the fight against gender-based violence and corruption in our homes, community and country.


Government will ensure peace and security, but this ultimately depends on how you leaders assist those who are struggling with poverty in turning that struggle into wealth for their families.


Ramadan Kareem!