The NRM supporters in Ankole sub region have overwhelmingly turned up for the final display and update of the NRM register ahead of the primary elections that will determine the party ticket holders in the 2026 elections.
According to the NRM Electoral Commission Vice Chairperson, Hon. Arimpa Kyigyagi, the youth and new members have embraced the exercise in the sampled zones of Rwebihuro, Kacence West in Kyakiika Division and Kyiyanja zone in Ruharo, Mbarara city. “We are happy to record that we have many new entrants into our yellow books and we hope have very successful internal elections,” Kigyagi said.
“This is the last opportunity for the NRM people to be included in the NRM register having begun the updating exercise in 2015. So, the People who did not appear in the register last time, including students, now have an opportunity to be full members of the NRM,” He added.
The four (4) day activity will conclude on Saturday this week with each village holding a Barraza to confirm whether the members in the books are the bonafide residents, having started on Wednesday 29th in all village across the country.
Kigyagi said, “The people will gather in a village barazas where all names in the books will be read out and those who are dead will be deleted and those who have crossed from other parties will be welcomed and will take oath.”
After the display exercise, Kigyagi said “We shall take the registers to conclude the digitization of the new members and details.